Sunday, 9 March 2014

hello, wow & oof!

Haven't blogged properly for ages so I'm gonna do a post/day for 30 days ...

So, yeah. Hello.

Wow = I've been looking for ideas for a crochet tablecloth, the desk I'm writing this on is old & not in a vintage, pre-loved way, just old. It's plain plain plain and has very sharp-looking corners so it's not exactly cosy. In the spirit of I Can Crochet An Answer To Anything, I've decided to crochet it a cloth for its top. This'll need to be about 1m x .5m and, because I do actually use this desk as a desk, I'd like it to be flat, not too lumpy-bumpy. I've been keeping an eye out on ravelry & pinterest and seen  some fairly good ideas, then today I found this pinterest board, and on it, this picture:
napperon 1

That, ladies & gentlemen, is the pattern I want. BUT. Of course, no pattern. I followed the link to the blog the pin came from, squinted at and semi-deciphered the French, followed another link and found the most enorme picassa web album of pages from 'Decorative Crochet' Magazines - about 30 of the magazines so goodness only knows how many pictures - wow!

Oof = Unfortunately I couldn't figure out which magazine the above picture came from so ...

... I looked at all of them!

Do you think I found the page I wanted?


No, of course I didn't!


Anyhoo, I've just created a pinterest board for my tablecloth ideas - the above picture gets pride of place and maybe it'll serve as inspiration until I find the right one.


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