Monday, 10 March 2014

Day 2 - just!

[yawn] it's quite late, and on a skool night too - I'm sooo dangerous!
Also, parentals had guests for dinner - yum! So I joined in & was all pleasant and chatty & stuff.

Hence, nothing on my hook/needles today + haven't watched anything or done any reading yet although I plan to read a few pages before bed.

Mood: OK as long as I'm busy, which I have been so OK.

Weather: grey + colder than it looks + HUMID feels like I spent all day in a sauna!

Music: Wild Animals by The Cat Empire

Listened to: (in no particular order) F1 podcast (yes, really), London Review of Books podcast by Andrew O'Hagan about Julian Assange (scary!), TEDtalk audio podcast by Annette Hauser about ratings agencies [snore] & just started Start The Week podcast on 'whether we are doomed to carry our history into the future' (fascinating) (but now I'm just showing off).

this isn't a doily, but it should be!


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