Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Day 10: colour for the CAL blanket - update

A while ago I agonised for ages over the colours for this blanket, in the end I decided & even posted about the colour scheme. Ordered the yarn. It arrived.

"ooh", thinks tilliemint, "that's more browny beigey colours than I remember including, ho hum."

Also, I counted the balls & there are 14 & I'm SURE I decided to order 12 colours. Hmmmmm.

Anyhoo, in a burst of efficiency I decided to get all the yarn into my ravelry stash before I started using it & it got too late (cos that's never happened before, oh nooooo)

I got in a bit of a muddle about the colours so I went back & found the email confirming the order from the wool store (actually, www.woolwarehouse.co.uk).

Now here's the thing.

I spent a while deciding which yarn to order, I was caught between DROPS Karisma & DROPS Lima. In the end, it got late & I needed some sleep so ...

I popped 1 colour of each yarn into my shopping basket, saved the basket & went to bed.

A few days later I went back to the basket, decided to go with DROPS Karisma as it has a better range of colours, spent aaaaaagggggeeeeessssss matching the colours with the scheme I wanted to use (see previous post), ordered the 12 colours I'd decided I was allowed (me & 6's) paid for them, sat back to wait for a woolgasm to arrive in the post.

Spotted it?

Yup. The 2 balls I'd popped in the shopping basket to remind me which 2 yarns I was deciding between were still in the basket. 

So I have a ball of DROPS Lima in a lovely purple, which is absolutely fine as I'm all about DK weight socks now I have some nice 3.75mm & 4mm dpns (same order - I really went to town!) so that's lined up for that, although of course 1 ball won't be enough ...

And I'm about the check that order again to see which of the 13 shades of Karisma I've got wasn't actually meant to be there (one of the browny beiges, I hope!)


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