Monday, 17 March 2014

Day, erm, 9?

The thing is, I have been posting, but on my private diary-blog, which may not count.


Music: Butcher Boy, The Mummers, Mumford & Sons.

On my hook/needles: nothing yet but planning to work on Katahdin in a minute.

Watching: nothing yet but planning to finish 37 Days after this post.

Reading: a bunch of stuff about learning styles for a lecture I gave this afternoon.

Listened to: Full Contact Rugby podcast and Weekly Politics.

Mood: emotional, but mostly in a good way!

Weather: sunny - students very skittish as a result!

There are loads of tiny green buds on the trees & bushes I can see from the bus, they make me feel so happy! I can't take pictures through a fast moving double-glazed window so you'll have to take my word for it!


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