Tuesday, 23 July 2013

a blog post a day for 30 days - and this time I really mean it!!!!

I've been browsing thru lots of absolutely gorgeous blogs recently, such as this one and this one, which I uncovered while looking, as always, at knitting stuff. To be fair, most recently I've been looking, quite desperately, for dummies-guide-to-crochet stuff, about which more later.
So anyway, I've been looking at all these lovely blogs (here's another one) and wishing "I could do that" and I suppose the best way is to start.


A Blog Post a Day for 30 Days. Be it a long ramble about the state of my soul, or a photo & a bit of nonsense. Or even a link.

I mean, how hard can it be? (another candidate for Autobiography Title there!)

The 30 Days thing is based on this 


I crocheted! I crocheted! I crocheted!!!! photo to follow (from fone)

There is a new Prince of Cambridge. Good. Still hope they call him Bilbo.

My Tarot card for the day is The Devil - eek!


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